Urgent Requipment PT. Brawijaya Medikatama
1. Nurse - Pediatric / OK / ICU / NICU
- Female age max 40 years
- Minimal Diploma AKPER
- Have technical experience min. 3 years in Hospital / Clinic
- good looking, patient and friendly
- Willing to work in 3 shifts
- able to speak english & Computers
2. Energy physiotherapy
- Women's / Max 28 thn
- Education Diploma physiotherapy (FKUI take precedence)
- experiance min 1 year
3. Admin Lab
- Women's / Max 28 years
- Education min SMAK (lab analysts) or the Diploma of Health field
4. Assistant pharmacist
- Female / Male age max 35 years
- Minimal SMK Pharmaceuticals
- Own Work license as assistant pharmacist
- Having at least 1 year experience in Hospital / Clinic
- Willing to work in 3 shifts
- Works the English language and computer
- Good looking, communicative and informative
5. Laboratory Analyst
- Male / Female Max 30 years
- Education min. SMAK (lab Analyst)
- Ready to work shift
- Experiance min 1 thn in the lab / hospital
- Advanced phlebotomy (taking blood) in children.
Send your Completed Application to:
HR Departement
PT. Brawijaya Medikatama
Jl. Taman Brawijaya No. 1, Cipete Utara - Jakarta 12150
EMail : hrd@brawijayahospital.com
Website : www.brawijayahospital.com